Monday, September 24, 2012

Our little weed...

Sammy turned 5 months this week and has graduated to his 9 month clothing. He is just so darn big! People think he is 9 months old, nope just have a giant baby. That's okay though I have some darn cute 9 month clothing if it will just cool down a bit I can dress him in all the sweaters and button up outfits we have!

Here are a few videos that I have:
The first one is of my cute baby niece Oliv; well not a baby anymore. When I was watching her just a few weeks ago, she made banana cake with me. She loves to bake with me. We count eggs and she puts flour in the bowl and the best part is licking the spoon. The next video is of Sam finding his high pitched voice. He loves to scream. I love my baby boy!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

2 year update/4 month appointment

Wow, I can't believe that I haven't posted on this for over two years. Let's see...Turner and I got married, and guess you all know about Sam, huh? Ha Ha. You all know that I quit my job? I think you're all aware of the work we've had done on the house too. So let's see what you don't know about. Sam had his four month doctor's appointment and here are the stats. Length 27.25 inches- 99% Weight 14lbs, 13oz- 16% He hasn't learned to roll over and hates to be on his tummy. Tummy time is short and painful for all. I still make him do it, but it is not without punishment for me and my ears. He has a high pitched scream. We have a quiet crier but a loud screamer. He's almost ready to sit on his own though. That's pretty exciting. He is also learning to put weight on his feet when we try to make him stand. About one day before he turned 4 months he started to blow raspberries which cracks me up! This summer we've been to the zoo and the swimming pool as well as have been to lunch with mommies friends and been to our playgroup dates. I hope to get a couple more visits to the pool outside before they all close up; I have a few more weeks yet. Lastly is church. He does well during sacrament meeting but that's as far as his patience goes and he wants to either play or scream himself to sleep. Sam loves bath time. His arms and legs are nonstop and he is pushing himself out of the seat, so I have to always keep my hand on him to keep his tush down. He loves music and I sing to him all the time. We're listening to nursery rhythms in the car which has really soothed his trips because he doesn't like being in his car seat. I'm even teaching Turner some classic rhythms and children's songs to sing to Sam. We've attended a Baby Bounce class at the library on Tuesday and hope to meet some other mothers with babies about Sam's age and we did! A couple even joined our MOMS Club so Sam can now grow with some babies. Turner has been working on a project nonstop for work, 18 days straight. He's been on edge and needed this Labor Day weekend break. He went to the driving range with Bryan and Bryan and my dad took him fishing on Monday! He got to watch football and eat some good food. I think this is what he needed to rejuvenate himself. His boss is taking the guys who worked on the project and their wives to lunch this next Monday. Super nice of them. We'll get to meet some of Turner's coworkers and introduce Sam too. I'm hitting the books yet again. I hope to have that Associates this spring. Wait, I WILL HAVE THAT ASSOCIATES THIS SPRING. Maybe saying it like it's already in the bag will make me achieve this 10 year goal. I hate school. I've been learning how to use Publisher thanks to my MOMS Club, I'm the Newsletter Chair Mom and this is the easiest tool for creating a professional newsletter. Guess I can add it to my resume one day. Sam's Great Grandma Jean came to visit us this last month. I've been wanting to redecorate the guest room so I did it just in time for Grammy to stay with us. I thank Pinterest for all the decorating ideas! Guess that catches you up for the most part. I plan to use my blog going forward as my social media tool for updating you, family and friends, on the Reisberger's life. I will not be returning to Facebook and couldn't be more relieved of my decision to end that relationship. Pinterest and I have a good thing going on and we'll continue to be close as we age together. Enjoy the photos; there are a lot, and I could do all of them. We're missing photos of all the families with Sam. Click to play this Smilebox slideshowCreate your own slideshow - Powered by SmileboxMake your own free slideshow design">
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